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Posted: April 22, 2017, 8:43 Post #1

Not sure if this is the right place to post but I built a retro gaming PC with win2k SP5 and it seems that it doesn't like PF, normal RF 1.0 works ok.

Some win32 error regarding an entry point couldn't be found iirc. I will have to get some screen shots and logs for more details.

hardware is

Tyan Thunder K7X Pro dual CPU board.
2 x Athlon 2800 MP CPUs
3Gb of DDR ECC ram
nVidia 6800 Ultra AGP
Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS running kX project 3rd part drivers (pot luck of a dodgy hardware ID so creative drivers won't detect the card)

I got other games working fine and even RF in its original form seems to work ok.

So am I correct to assume that PF doesn't or was ever tested for win2k support?


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Posted: April 22, 2017, 9:54 Post #2
It only generated a log the first time round but wont make any more now despite it saying it does.

Anyway here it is.

PF caused an Access Violation in module binkw32.dll at 001b:30005aa6.
Exception handler called in Red Faction Main Thread.
Error occurred at 4/22/2017 13:22:54.
c:\games\RedFaction\PF.exe, run by Retro.
2 processor(s), type 586.
3071 MBytes physical memory.
Write to location 1001eb3c caused an access violation.

EAX=10027138 CS=001b EIP=30005aa6 EFLGS=00210206
EBX=00000000 SS=0023 ESP=0022f5ec EBP=00000000
ECX=0022f898 DS=0023 ESI=1001ea04 FS=003b
EDX=713c25ff ES=0023 EDI=00000000 GS=0000

Last packet recieved:
No: 0
Bytes at CS:EIP: c7 86 38 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 0f 85 5d 01 00 00
Stack dump:
0022f5ec: 1001ea04 0022ff34 00521087 1001ea04 30005f30 00000000 000000e0 000001e0
0022f60c: 00000640 00000000 000001a4 00000384 021625a0 00000003 00000002 000001e0
0022f62c: 00000500 06b60040 00000000 00000000 00000200 00000100 00000280 000001e0
0022f64c: 000009d3 02821100 000009d3 30005f30 00000000 00000000 000003e8 00010000
0022f66c: 00520c4e 02821100 00000000 00000001 7ffdf000 00000001 5c3a6301 656d6167
0022f68c: 65525c73 63614664 6e6f6974 7461645c 6f6d5c61 73656976 7168745c 6f676f6c
0022f6ac: 6b69622e 00000000 00000000 0022fad0 00000000 0022facc ffffffff 00000002
0022f6cc: 65772065 6e5c3a62 6e006e5c 7a726574 64616c75 5c3a6e65 006e5c6e 2c297374
0022f6ec: 6c6c6120 73207a65 5c3a7275 2e73256e 6e5c6e5c 6c756f56 762d7a65 2073756f
0022f70c: 656c6c61 20e02072 74746563 64612065 73736572 616d2065 65746e69 746e616e
0022f72c: 6e6f003f 204b4f20 75746973 6e6520e9 73616220 20656420 6620616c 74ea6e65
0022f74c: 43206572 69666e6f 61727567 6e6f6974 756f7020 656c2072 61732073 67657675
0022f76c: 65647261 6e5c2e72 6f506e5c 75207275 6f62206e 6f66206e 6974636e 00000000
0022f78c: 746e6500 ffffffff 675c3a63 73656d61 6465525c 74636146 5c6e6f69 61746164
0022f7ac: 766f6d5c 5c736569 6c716874 2e6f676f 006b6962 20727573 72746f76 726f2065
0022f7cc: 616e6964 72756574 506e5c2e 2072756f 70206564 2073756c 6c706d61 69207365
0022f7ec: 726f666e 6974616d 2c736e6f 70657220 6574726f 6f762d7a e0207375 6f276c20
0022f80c: 656c676e 69442074 74636572 65642058 20616c20 ea6e6566 20657274 666e6f43
0022f82c: 72756769 6f697461 00002e6e 030f1f90 0057c441 00000003 00000003 00000003
0022f84c: 00000000 005ac2b0 0057b6b0 030f42a8 0022ff34 005778e7 0000001f 00574c26
0022f86c: 005ac2b0 005ac2b0 005ac2b0 0022f8b4 1011d750 0052c32d 005ac2b0 05bb6c10
0022f88c: 030f0000 05b40000 05bb6c10 0022facc 005879eb 00000000 1001a168 005a1664
0022f8ac: 00000000 00000001 7ffdf000 00000000 05bd6000 0000000f 030f05a8 00000000
0022f8cc: 00000000 00000000 0000007e 00000000 00000000 0022f988 77fcb8af 77fcba2b
0022f8ec: 030f0608 77fcb9b1 00000011 05bb6c18 7ffdf000 0022f940 067f849b 020b3de0
0022f90c: 00000080 00000080 00000001 0c000000 0000001a 0000001a 00000001 020b3de0
0022f92c: 0022facc 0022fa74 067d5778 0022f948 020b3de0 0022facc 067d57f0 00000016
0022f94c: 00000001 14000001 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000640 00000384 00000101
0022f96c: 0022f9c4 0022f8f4 00000000 0022f9c0 77fb7e64 77f81678 ffffffff 0022f9d0
0022f98c: 00573d4b 030f0000 00000000 05bb6c18 00000011 0022f9e4 7ffdf000 7ffdf000
0022f9ac: 05bb6c18 005a1344 0022f9e4 00000004 0022ff34 0022faf4 00575eb8 0058abc8
0022f9cc: ffffffff 0022ff34 00512339 05bb6c18 ffffffff 004b08c6 00000000 05bd30aa
0022f9ec: 69727473 2e73676e 006c6274 00000002 00020000 00000000 00000100 00000100
0022fa0c: 0022fa24 067f9a7a 020b3de4 0022fa50 02122150 069f0070 00000000 0055ce7d
0022fa2c: 02122150 00000000 0022fa50 00000dd0 01886cfc 000000e8 00000001 020b46c8
0022fa4c: 020bc6e0 0022fa60 020b46c8 020bc6e0 0022fa74 067dd2fd 00000020 00000008
0022fa6c: 020b3de0 0022facc 0022fa8c 067d5860 020b46c8 020b3de0 020b3de4 00000000
0022fa8c: 0022fabc 067d5bb0 0022facc 7c5945e9 0022fad4 00000001 00504b6a 003911bd
0022faac: 00000000 000f4240 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 7ffdf000 ceea2940 00000366
0022facc: 0022ff24 00585dad ffffffff 0043440b 00000001 00000000 00000001 004342fd
0022faec: 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 004b2db6 00000011 ffffffff 004b281d 030f3d18
0022fb0c: 77fcb618 00000013 00000011 030f2d38 01010102 00100048 00100010 00100010
0022fb2c: 00100010 00100010 00100010 00100010 00100010 00100010 00140014 00100010
0022fb4c: 00100010 00140010 00100010 00100010 00100010 01010101 01010101 01010101
0022fb6c: 01010101 01010101 01010101 030f0640 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101
0022fb8c: 00100101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01020101 01020102 01020102 01020102
0022fbac: 01020102 01020102 01020102 01020102 01020102 01020102 01020102 01020102
0022fbcc: 00100102 01020102 01020102 01020102 01020102 03020120 07060504 0b0a0908
0022fbec: 0f0e0d0c 030f03c8 030f03c8 00000009 00000004 030f03c8 0000000b 0022fc38
0022fc0c: 030f2d40 77fb2c8a 030f0000 030f2d38 030f2d40 0022fc14 030f0688 0022fccc
0022fc2c: 77fb7e64 77f83158 ffffffff 0022fcdc 77fcb7c2 030f09b8 030f2d40 00000090
0022fc4c: 030f3d20 030f2d38 7ffde000 7b5a5958 0045004b 004e0052 004c0045 00320033
0022fc6c: 0064002e 006c006c 97960000 9b8a9998 9f8e9d8c 030f0000 0000004a abaaa9a8
0022fc8c: 030f3d18 030f0164 77fcd300 030f3d18 030f3d18 030f3f90 030f0000 77fa77eb
0022fcac: 030f0000 030f3f90 0000004f 0000004d 030f3d18 00000000 00000260 00000000
0022fccc: 0000000e 01fb7e64 0022fea8 77fa5647 030f0010 00000001 77fa5843 030f0608
0022fcec: 77fa581b 00000000 00000270 030f3d20 00000147 77fcb301 77fcb4be 77fcb618
0022fd0c: 00000011 00000800 00000000 00000000 00000000 020912e8 00000104 02085318
0022fd2c: 00000000 030f0178 030f0178 5b7a7978 5f5e5d5c 030f0640 67666564 6b6a6968
0022fd4c: 030f0178 030f0178 77767574 7b7a7978 030f0178 030f0178 87868584 030f0178
0022fd6c: 030f0178 030f0178 030f0640 030f0640 030f0640 a3a2a1a0 a7a6a5a4 abaaa9a8
0022fd8c: afaeadac b3b2b1b0 b7b6b5b4 bbbab9b8 bfbebdbc e3e2e1e0 030f0178 030f0178
0022fdac: 030f0178 030f0178 d7f6f5f4 030f0460 030f0460 0000000b 00000020 030f0460
0022fdcc: 0000000c 00000001 030f0478 030f0478 030f0178 030f0178 030f0178 7c5c5c40
0022fdec: 030f03b8 030f03b8 00000009 00000001 0062f078 00000011 0062f078 7ffdf000
0022fe0c: 004ff3c6 0173c3e4 ffffffff 0062f078 00573754 00000011 0062f014 7ffdf000
0022fe2c: 00000001 0000000c 0022fe8a 77f8dc33 0022fe70 00575eb8 00871fe8 030f0000
0022fe4c: 00871fe8 7ffdf000 0000004d 0173c301 00872028 0000004f 00872028 7ffdf000
0022fe6c: 004ff3c6 01885328 0022fe80 0053b4fe 030f3d18 0022febc 0051da88 00000260
0022fe8c: 00000278 0022fcf0 0022ffb0 0022fef4 77fb7e64 77f81c40 ffffffff 0022ff04
0022feac: 77fcd168 030f0000 030f3d18 00000011 00593afc 0022ff0c 00578c71 030f0000
0022fecc: 00000000 030f3d20 00000011 00593afc 7ffdf000 00000011 00593a80 7ffdf000
0022feec: 00000001 0000003c 77f86775 77fcfc60 7c596e3e 7c596d37 00000011 004b2e88
0022ff0c: 00000011 00000000 7ffdf000 ffffffff 0022ff0c 0022f238 0022ffb0 00575eb8
0022ff2c: 00589910 00000000 0022ffc0 005761a3 00400000 00000000 0209313d 00000005
0022ff4c: 00000011 02093175 7ffdf000 02090000 0209313d 030f0020 00000044 02094780
0022ff6c: 02094768 02094660 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0022ff8c: 00000000 00000401 00000005 00000000 00000000 00010001 00000000 0022ff4c
0022ffac: 7c571c58 0022ffe0 00575eb8 0058ad10 00000000 0022fff0 7c598989 00000004
0022ffcc: 00000008 7ffdf000 0012d74a 0022ffc8 0012d74a ffffffff 7c5c1f54 7c572b18
0022ffec: 00000000 00000000 00000000 005760c3 00000000

Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
c:\games\RedFaction\PF.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 1795584 bytes - 3c0f9b78 - file date is 8/7/2009 10:54:02
c:\games\RedFaction\unrar.dll, loaded at 0x02890000 - 168960 bytes - 48550dd4 - file date is 12/12/2008 11:03:38
C:\WINNT\system32\d3d8.dll, loaded at 0x067a0000 - 1179648 bytes - 40ee6b0f - file date is 7/9/2004 03:27:28
C:\WINNT\system32\d3d8thk.dll, loaded at 0x068d0000 - 7168 bytes - 3dedc939 - file date is 12/11/2002 23:14:32
C:\WINNT\system32\dinput8.dll, loaded at 0x06ad0000 - 166400 bytes - 3bd5d93b - file date is 10/30/2001 07:10:00
c:\games\RedFaction\pf.dll, loaded at 0x10000000 - 167424 bytes - 556a1b97 - file date is 5/31/2015 06:20:40
C:\WINNT\system32\urlmon.dll, loaded at 0x1a400000 - 462848 bytes - 4407850d - file date is 3/2/2006 22:51:44
c:\games\RedFaction\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x30000000 - 290816 bytes - 3a8f2b4a - file date is 2/17/2001 17:54:20
C:\WINNT\system32\dsound.dll, loaded at 0x51080000 - 363520 bytes - 40ee6b7c - file date is 7/9/2004 03:27:28
C:\WINNT\system32\wininet.dll, loaded at 0x63000000 - 586752 bytes - 43ff8873 - file date is 2/24/2006 21:28:04
C:\WINNT\system32\KsUser.dll, loaded at 0x6ceb0000 - 4880 bytes - 384399d1 - file date is 11/30/1999 23:39:14
C:\WINNT\system32\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x6f9a0000 - 18192 bytes - 3ef274ee - file date is 6/19/2003 11:05:04
C:\WINNT\system32\shlwapi.dll, loaded at 0x70a70000 - 409088 bytes - 43165e29 - file date is 9/1/2005 00:49:30
C:\WINNT\system32\comctl32.dll, loaded at 0x71710000 - 529680 bytes - 3d6e2bf3 - file date is 6/19/2003 04:05:00
C:\WINNT\system32\msafd.dll, loaded at 0x74fd0000 - 105232 bytes - 3fcd2a34 - file date is 12/2/2003 15:11:34
C:\WINNT\System32\wshtcpip.dll, loaded at 0x75010000 - 17680 bytes - 3fcd2a34 - file date is 12/2/2003 15:11:34
C:\WINNT\system32\WS2HELP.DLL, loaded at 0x75020000 - 18192 bytes - 3843995d - file date is 12/7/1999 22:00:00
C:\WINNT\system32\WS2_32.DLL, loaded at 0x75030000 - 69904 bytes - 3ef27506 - file date is 6/19/2003 11:05:04
C:\WINNT\system32\WSOCK32.dll, loaded at 0x75050000 - 21776 bytes - 3ef27506 - file date is 6/19/2003 11:05:04
C:\WINNT\system32\LZ32.DLL, loaded at 0x759b0000 - 10000 bytes - 3ef274e2 - file date is 6/19/2003 11:05:04
C:\WINNT\system32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x77400000 - 21264 bytes - 3844d039 - file date is 12/7/1999 22:00:00
C:\WINNT\system32\MSACM32.dll, loaded at 0x77410000 - 66832 bytes - 3844d039 - file date is 12/7/1999 22:00:00
C:\WINNT\system32\MSASN1.dll, loaded at 0x77430000 - 56592 bytes - 425670f6 - file date is 4/8/2005 03:54:32
C:\WINNT\system32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x77560000 - 21264 bytes - 3ef274de - file date is 6/19/2003 12:05:04
C:\WINNT\system32\WINMM.dll, loaded at 0x77570000 - 189200 bytes - 3844d038 - file date is 12/7/1999 22:00:00
C:\WINNT\system32\VERSION.dll, loaded at 0x77820000 - 16144 bytes - 3ef274dd - file date is 6/19/2003 11:05:04
C:\WINNT\system32\SETUPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x77880000 - 570128 bytes - 3ef274dd - file date is 6/19/2003 11:05:04
C:\WINNT\system32\OLEAUT32.dll, loaded at 0x779b0000 - 631056 bytes - 41637953 - file date is 10/6/2004 03:49:24
C:\WINNT\system32\RPCRT4.dll, loaded at 0x77d30000 - 437008 bytes - 42bbf916 - file date is 6/24/2005 11:14:14
C:\WINNT\system32\USER32.DLL, loaded at 0x77e10000 - 419600 bytes - 42675f89 - file date is 4/21/2005 00:08:44
C:\WINNT\system32\GDI32.dll, loaded at 0x77f40000 - 233744 bytes - 43b3e18b - file date is 12/30/2005 07:15:56
C:\WINNT\system32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x77f80000 - 484624 bytes - 41e648e0 - file date is 2/1/2005 09:40:56
C:\WINNT\system32\MSVCRT.DLL, loaded at 0x78000000 - 286773 bytes - 4029c7c7 - file date is 2/25/2004 16:23:40
C:\WINNT\system32\USERENV.DLL, loaded at 0x7c0f0000 - 396048 bytes - 4263cbdf - file date is 4/18/2005 14:01:52
C:\WINNT\system32\ADVAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x7c2d0000 - 401168 bytes - 42675f8a - file date is 4/21/2005 00:08:44
C:\WINNT\system32\KERNEL32.dll, loaded at 0x7c570000 - 712976 bytes - 41e648e0 - file date is 2/1/2005 09:40:56
C:\WINNT\system32\CRYPT32.dll, loaded at 0x7c740000 - 563984 bytes - 425670f6 - file date is 4/8/2005 03:54:32
C:\WINNT\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL, loaded at 0x7c950000 - 549136 bytes - 43992718 - file date is 12/9/2005 05:41:28
C:\WINNT\system32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x7ce20000 - 957712 bytes - 43992718 - file date is 12/9/2005 05:41:28

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Posted: April 22, 2017, 10:27 Post #3
> PF caused an Access Violation in module binkw32.dll at 001b:30005aa6.

what happens if you delete all the bink movie files?

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Posted: April 22, 2017, 10:43 Post #4
I already tried that after I found the dll it was referring to, still crashes the same.

The strange thing is they play fine via the normal rf as as does the technochunk video.

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Posted: April 22, 2017, 16:35 Post #5
Well i'd say change your windows. Anything below Win7/Vista won't be assured that'll work.

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Posted: April 22, 2017, 23:13 Post #6
Try dashfaction, its better than pf unless your hosting a server

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Posted: April 23, 2017, 2:50 Post #7
yeah tried dashfaction after a player recommend it. I knew straight away after that crashed to that it would not work ever. See it needs vc_redist.x86 2015 to be installed which isn't supported by 2k.

I know as a widescreen patch for NFS Porsche 2000 requires that as well so I'm stuck playing that at 4:3 at some retarded res of 1150x920 and even though that patch was designed to run on win7 onward the game doesn't work due to hardware not supporting legacy direct x modes (GTX980). Even wont work under the nGlide wrapper. Hence why I built the PC in the first place and before you suggest installing a newer OS on it which would be the perfect solution for all the games the DVD just wont boot on this machine in anything newer than XP (hardware circa 03-04)

Anyway I'm out of ideals ? I would love to know how to force win7 to boot from the DVD on this PC as I would be able to get everything working, patches and the legacy hardware to match.

btw I did try dashfaction on my modern PC GTX980 with FX8320 on win7. Wow that vc_redist.x86 was a royal pita to get to install. I was working until 1am on it when I found a solution to get it to install. Forcing a clean boot in win7 let it install (ie all non essential services disabled) After I got it installed Wow boy am I impressed! dashfaction is awesome. The direct input option, holy crap, so responsive, just like ut2004 and the graphics improvements are very nice indeed.

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Posted: April 23, 2017, 3:20 Post #8
Rafalh will be happy to hear that arm2

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Posted: April 23, 2017, 4:29 Post #9
I guess I could try XP sp3 as thats supported for vcredist_x86.exe 2015.

funny thing I just got NFS Porsche working on my modern rig as with all former glorious graphics. For some reason the nGlide wrapper worked this time, maybe new version? Anyway I got it working enough to start chipping away at it one problem at a time. not long I had cobbled together a variety of different patches, file fixes and registry files and even some vista compatibility mode in the mix and it works!

So complex and not documented in any one place or a single patch I had to make a "patch" folder and a read me for future reference on how to put it all together.

So really now I have every old game working properly plus some on the newer rig that this retro one is redundant already lol, but still I will try chipping away at it as its more a nostalgia and novelty given the rare and exotic dual CPU setup with all the ducks guts (in its day) hardware thrown at it. This would of been a $10K+ system in its day so like to be able to use it a little for nostalgia sakes.

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Posted: April 23, 2017, 4:56 Post #10
Quoting vlad01
I guess I could try XP sp3 as thats supported for vcredist_x86.exe 2015.

what about Windows Embedded 2009? it's still supported by Microsoft

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Posted: April 24, 2017, 12:03 Post #11
Well, tried XP. works with pure faction, not dash faction, crashes hard. And with NFS 5 is just crashes and gets stuck and can't get out even with task manager coming up. Needs a hard reset

ugghh a reminder why I skipped from 2k to vista in the first place all those years back.

Had a fair few errors just copping folders if I had more than 1 going at once. :8

so one step forward, 2 steps back with XP. I support I could do a dual boot or somehow try get NFS5 going? If I could boot win7 on it I everything would be sweet but I can't get it to detect the DVD on post but otherwise its normal within windows.

One other thing I could try is a install of 7 on another pc and then do a system prep on it and plug the drive in as see if it then goes?

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Posted: April 24, 2017, 13:29 Post #12
Well I managed to get win7 installed via the dvd setup withing win xp itself. Failed the first time around for some reason but no probs 2nd time so this got around the no boot issue. I basically used xp as the boot up lol. Will inform how I go.

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Posted: April 25, 2017, 11:49 Post #13
Well got PF working perfect, no dash faction even under win 7.

Couldn't fully patch NFS either, patched for widscreen but crashed, but worked find in D3D and Glide. So 90% good.

This is regardless that vc_redist.x86 installed fine for both games.

But I know why it wont work. The clue came from trying to install firefox as xp and 2k have literally no newer browsers you can use on it. Well turns out even though I got win 7 the latest ff failed and said it needs a CPU with SSE2 support. Ahhh now I know why dash faction doesn't work and NFS widescreen patch too. They use the vc_redist.x86 and if programs are written and compiled for the newer visual studio they most certainly use the SSE2 instruction set at a minimum. So unless they are redone in much older versions of VS then there is no hope on the old legacy CPUs as the MP/XP series Athlon and Pentium 3.

At least PF works perfect and NFS works at full graphics, glitch free and high res via nGlide just stuck with 4:3

Bonus thing is the audigy 2 sz now works with the creative drivers under 7 so I suppose all in all not a bad effort for such old hardware, also got ff 48 installed as its the last that doesn't need SSE2 and thats not too old at all :!

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Posted: April 26, 2017, 8:01 Post #14
can you give more information on why dash does not work? error message? what happens?

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Posted: April 27, 2017, 11:07 Post #15
yeah it just says not a win32 application or something. I will check the exact error latter.

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Posted: April 28, 2017, 6:38 Post #16
Here is the crash.

Posted Image

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Posted: April 28, 2017, 13:28 Post #17
Can you do what it says and upload logs

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