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Posted: September 7, 2016, 17:42 Post #1
Pure Faction 3.0e – RF Anniversary Edition :D

Hi all,

Why not release a quick patch to help unite surviving RF community for RF "birthday" - PC Release September 17 :!

2kool4skool & digi
Would be nice from you, if collaboration happen to remedy this recent PF anomaly with Windows 10.

If for various reason, you want to preserve your work, credit, visibility... We will still all be happy & give an extra reason to use your nice PF - Addon 3.0 Already Fixed, no need to hide it, i cant see a GoOd reason to not release it, old games & small community need guys like you.

If you still love & play the game, you will need others to frag them! ;ddarm2

Personally, I delayed an RF-Xmod event because of Windows 10 1607 incompatibility & RFv1.21, it would be very nice to not have players restricted only for that.

I hope this little text will help to shake things for the benefit of ALL!
Edited by N/A at September 30, 2016, 16:34

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Posted: September 7, 2016, 18:42 Post #2
Digi is busy and has no interest in rf and saber still does not care

Well saber would if you give him one million dollars
Posted Image
Or was it ten grand

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Posted: September 8, 2016, 5:43 Post #3
Morgoth, I've explained my stance in that Windows 10 thread, if you didn't see it.

Quoting Haze202
Digi is busy

nigga U funny
Posted Image
Quoting Haze202
and saber still does not care

To be clear, I don't care about PF.

Quoting Haze202
Well saber would if you give him one million dollars
Posted Image
Or was it ten grand

The difference is, ten grand is realistic. It can be pooled, buddy boyo. :lolpup:
Edited by N/A at September 8, 2016, 5:48

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Posted: September 8, 2016, 15:26 Post #4
Quoting Morgoth

Why not release a quick patch to help unite surviving RF community for RF "birthday" - PC Release September 17 :!

2kool4skool & digi
Would be nice from you, if collaboration happen to remedy this recent PF anomaly with Windows 10.

Not getting my hopes up even in a billion years, if we're partially retired. No sign of life in development from the past years and you're expecting this? Happy dead birthday then.
Edited by SeeLkaDooM94 at September 8, 2016, 15:27

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Posted: September 8, 2016, 23:55 Post #5
Final Thought & Try

New OS, compatibility issue is still detrimental for players experience & overall RF community... I don't know to what extend RF 1.21 have issues with PF, not only players, but even most servers are now PF, is not negligible.

Quoting Vladdus
playing on PF servers (especially on run maps) is still kind of glitchy. I played for like 5 minutes on two maps and the game eventually crashed on both.

RF just refuse to die for now, because the minimum fan base is still barely enough to have multiplayer, unfortunately it doesn't need much more trouble to collapse completely. All support is welcome to help RF multi survive, Official RF 1.21 & PF 100% compatible and operational, is GoOd for us collectively...

Quoting 2kool4skool
I mean, maybe I could release PF Addon 1.3. I'd like to improve the half-assed anti-cheat, and encrypt/obfuscate the code for lolz; but I don't see it happening honestly.

Why not just release your quick hotfix for your PF-Addon 2.0, instead of digging to deep in a new 3.0 (lost interest in PF)...?

PF-Addon 2.0e - RF Anniversary Edition :P

If your PF-Addon is not updated with the fix you found, it still have compatibility issue that some will not be able to use, kind of sad and wasted work, I just don't see the point. It show nice support & dedication for what you done, is only GoOd, no?!

Quoting 2kool4skool
#4 I have the PF win 10 fix. I'm certain digi has/knows the fix too. But neither of us will release.

Again, I cannot understand that & hope it will not end like this, if only it was complex & demanding request, is already done...

Quoting 2kool4skool
And also I'm not gonna release a PF patch. I don't like supporting software that's been shown not to be trustworthy.

about security vulnerabilities
...recent PF3.0d did they finally get fixed. And those fixes were wholly because of my generosity and influence.

Still, PF is loved, used & more secure now in part with your help anyway, I don't think fix 1 more will have any bad reputation, we only gain here. Maybe simply hint the work path to digi & have credit as PF contributor without being officially apart of the team, including your pass contribution is a option as before.

Because am not in your head & don't know all subtlety, I will respect your decision no matter what. But I cannot logically stop to have hope for it, to end it well lol :)

Quoting SeeLkaDooM94
No sign of life in development from the past years and you're expecting this?

Absolutely, no time consuming simple fix already done, ...why not hope for it?!

The last Pure Faction 3.0d update thread is little more than 8 months. Don't forget that is an old game supported part-time by few voluntary... delay is nothing else than normal. We are lucky to have patch time to time.

Quoting Haze
Actually digi was working on pf4 for a bit awhile ago and trotskie was back for a bit so that is incorrect

Nice :v

Thanks you 2kool4skool & NoClanFrank for RF 1.21 - RF 1.21 Hud Fix - True Widescreen
Edited by Morgoth at September 9, 2016, 0:08

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Posted: September 9, 2016, 5:13 Post #6
Quoting Morgoth

Why not just release your quick hotfix for your PF-Addon 2.0, instead of digging to deep in a new 3.0 (lost interest in PF)...?

Quoting Morgoth

Again, I cannot understand that & hope it will not end like this, if only it was complex & demanding request, is already done...

Quoting Morgoth

Still, PF is loved, used & more secure now in part with your help anyway, I don't think fix 1 more will have any bad reputation, we only gain here. Maybe simply hint the work path to digi & have credit as PF contributor without being officially apart of the team, including your pass contribution is a option as before.

Because am not in your head & don't know all subtlety, I will respect your decision no matter what. But I cannot logically stop to have hope for it, to end it well lol :)

I guess you could say it's about principle. I'm inimical towards trotskiecel; and, what you would call, his crypto-blackhatism among other things, the genesis of which is within PF. But there's little point going into it. Why PF Addon was an exception, meh, I dunno; perhaps it was a mistake.

It also plays into why I released my RF 1.21 fix. I wanted people to have access to a basic, secure, functional version of RF. Plain RF doesn't even function properly at 1080p etc.

>Maybe simply hint the work path to digi

I would say it's 100% guaranteed digicel knows the bug. It's really obvious, if you can code etc. He's choosing not to fix imo.

Quoting Morgoth

Absolutely, no time consuming simple fix already done, ...why not hope for it?!

The last Pure Faction 3.0d update thread is little more than 8 months. Don't forget that is an old game supported part-time by few voluntary... delay is nothing else than normal. We are lucky to have patch time to time.

Well, you should know, I forced digicel to put that patch out. You are safe (or safer) because of me, and only me. I am RF's true god.

'Tis true, if you can't code or reverse engineer, you'll never really know how easy it is. To me, making maps is harder than coding RF stuff. It's just learning something; anybody can learn. I could teach 12 year olds how to do it easily. On the contrary, I'll admit it's an obscure talent to have.
Edited by N/A at September 9, 2016, 5:45

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