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Posted: April 2, 2010, 15:44 Post #1
CVG reports that in conjunction with Red Faction 4, there will be a Red Faction film created.

The news comes from THQ's core VP, Danny Bilson in an interview with CVG last weekend.

Quoting Danny Bilson
My game is going to get made either way but what I do is I'm giving these movie guys the opportunity to meet me two or three years at the end with a triple-A, awesome game and a triple-A, awesome movie that compliment each other - and certainly don't repeat each other - and start to build a world and a fiction and all of that.

Source: [Link]

Comments? Speculation? Post away!

As always, Faction Files will keep you up to date with the latest regarding this and all other news about the Red Faction series.

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Posted: April 2, 2010, 15:47 Post #2
I hope that RF4 gets released before any kind of film. IMO, a game is much less risky. If THQ/Volition makes a film and it turns out to be crap, that could very easily spell the definitive end of the RF franchise.

RF:G got mixed reviews. If they can manage at least RF:G-level satisfaction from RF4 (preferably better), the series might live on to RF5 or later. But with a film? Screw up on that and say goodbye to the series. Just the way I see it.

Mr. Bilson seems to be really gung-ho about RF.

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Posted: April 2, 2010, 15:49 Post #3
This is true, but if a film is made and it turns out better than the majority of game->movie films (which let's face it, isn't hard) then it could certainly pave the way for great RF games and maybe even better game->movie films.

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Posted: April 2, 2010, 16:00 Post #4
True. But this is why I say it's risky and I'd like to see an RF4 first :P

RF4 looks like it has the potential to be really good. I wouldn't want a failure of a film to possibly dent RF4's release.

(Not that I think the film would necessarily fail - It's just that a film has a wider audience than a game and has the potential to wreck the franchise.

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Posted: April 3, 2010, 5:33 Post #5
The movie won't have a condescending effect on the Red Faction series.

I've seen Max Payne-the film, starring Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis, both of whom are prominent artists of Hollywood. The film was distributed by 20th Century Fox(self-explanatory). In my view the film was quite trashy.
But when Rockstar Games releases MP-3 this year, it'll be judged on gaming parameters and not it's 2008 film counterpart.

So if RF4 is inherently good, it'll do well demographically even if it's preceded by a bad movie, as long as they get the timing right.

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Posted: April 3, 2010, 13:26 Post #6
This is true, but don't forget that Max Payne is a well-known game with a good history. Red Faction though? RF1, good reviews, RF2, really mixed reviews, RFG, mixed reviews. That and not too many people know about Red Faction.

Maybe I'm either being too pessimistic about the movie, or too excited for RF4 :P

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Posted: April 4, 2010, 11:35 Post #7
Yeah, Max Payne is a BAFTA award winning game, fairly mainstream.
Red Faction on the other hand has pretty much been on the fringes, for some reason it has never been a Classroom talking point. But we're the ones in contention, and we know how hooked we were once, nothing changes that.

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Posted: October 22, 2014, 1:30 Post #8
Did anyone else see this movie after? What were your thoughts on it?

I thought it was OK for a standalone made-for-TV B-rated movie, but it really didn't seem like Red Faction to me at all.

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Posted: October 22, 2014, 9:18 Post #9
Quoting Goober
Did anyone else see this movie after? What were your thoughts on it?

I thought it was OK for a standalone made-for-TV B-rated movie, but it really didn't seem like Red Faction to me at all.

Like if Red Faction Origins wasn't enough, now another movie ? :P lol i just only wish for a movie to be based off only from the very first RF1 game. Same characters, environments etc. to match with the ingame. But about RF4 (Armageddon ?), im totally speechless about this and have no idea how this movie would come out eventually.
Edited by SeeLkaDooM94 at October 22, 2014, 9:22

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Posted: October 23, 2014, 12:35 Post #10
Hm? Another movie? Am I missing something or is someone confused

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Posted: October 23, 2014, 14:34 Post #11
Quoting Mitzi
Hm? Another movie? Am I missing something or is someone confused

Don't ya remember ? -> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1693872/
In 2011 they aired already a movie based off from RF Guerilla (sort of) as they broadcasted on SyFy channel (which i didnt had that sadly) called Red Faction Origins.
And the so called "another movie" im saying, is about this one you guys are mentioning about RF4 (which im thinking its supposed to be based off of RF Armageddon ? -- that's what i wanna know)
Edited by SeeLkaDooM94 at October 23, 2014, 14:38

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Posted: October 24, 2014, 6:17 Post #12
Quoting Mitzi
No this thread is about RF: Origins

Old thread, 2010

Goober was asking 4 years later if anyone had seen it lol

OH pffff.. then nevermind xd.. and no i didn't watched it at all

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