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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Single Player :: [SP] Toxic Agenda by MysticaL-AceR
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Author: MysticaL-AceR [Search Author]
Uploader: MysticaL-AceR [View Profile]
RFL Name: sp_toxicagenda.rfl
File Size: 25.9MB
File Type: zip
Added: 10/22/2022
Downloads: 171
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Installation and How to Run:

1) Put the SP file into Red Faction / user_maps / single.
2) In the menu ingame, open the console and type "level sp_toxicagenda" (without the " )
3) Play the map!

"SP - Toxic Agenda" by MysticaL-AceR (2022)

This is my one-map singleplayer campaign as an entry for the ReloadMagazine Jam Event.

Ultor Corporation has alot of its facilities still operating on planet Mars. You as an unknown miner are going to put an end to this. Being called out into action as the rebellion intercepted a Chemical Toxic Plant, the Ultor is producing nuclear weapons through various toxic and dangerous materials in order to obliterate the Red Faction.

Enjoy, you rebels!

Jeep cockpit dissapears when the map has more than one jeep. Save/load quickly fixes it.
Mikelice · Sun 21 Jul 2024, 14:33 ·
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Oh shit! This looks better than if Volition had done it. Lots of cool details and action. I enjoyed exploring the entire map. :!
Intharth · Thu 27 Oct 2022, 4:09 ·
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Sorry i didn't comment soonerrrr,

The map was a lot of fun to play - well designed and lots of cool elements.

I had fun beating the level - the environment change between the outside mine area into the facility was well done to me, Loved the "Secret exit" idea, and was a cool way to break up the gameplay a bit <3

Cool map man! Looking forward to the future :D
VideoJames · Tue 25 Oct 2022, 13:47 ·
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Awesome map! It looks great and plays great. I also really like how much variety you were able to pack into such a short level.

My only complaint is the way it ends. I would have liked a little fanfare, maybe a text scroll saying I'd completed my mission, instead of just being dumped back to the main menu.
ReaperAA · Sun 23 Oct 2022, 12:28 ·
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Really well made map with good layout, nice visuals, fun gameplay and a neat little story that fits well into the main story. If this is a small slice of a bigger TC that the author is working on, then I look forward to it.

There is one small nitpick and it's that you can get softlocked if you try to jump through certain fences surrounding the rotating chemical cylinder thingy at the center of the map. The author is aware of the issue. Nonetheless Keep up the great work Acer.
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