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Posted: August 4, 2018, 13:18 Post #1
After roughly 6 months of planning, testing, and recording, I'm excited to finally be able to share this run. I hope you enjoy it!

Technical details:
- This run sets a new world record for a segmented speedrun of Red Faction on Impossible difficulty with an improvement of about 9 minutes and 30 seconds.
- Segmentation was performed using the built-in quicksave/quickload functionality.
- Because Red Faction has no demo functionality, all segments had to be recorded as videos, which occasionally makes for some visual inconsistencies.
- All in-game music was added in editing to eliminate music cut offs when segmenting.
- This run was performed using the latest version of the de facto standard RF client - Pure Faction (3.0e) from purefaction.org.
- Total segment count for the run came in at 1,171 - over 800 of which are less than 1 second long.
- I recorded 1,169 segments for this run, and homard recorded 2.

- Average time for a chapter: 02:37
- Longest chapter: Tramway (4:04)
- Shortest chapter: Barracks (1:23)
- Skipped levels: 3
- Skipped cutscenes: 3
- Duplicated remote charges: 28
- Killed enemies: 313
- Killed civilians: 10
- Killed allies: 5
- GeoMod skips: 15
- Bounce skips: 12
- Waterboosts: 4
- Load warps: 8
- Out-of-bounds skips: 3
- Framerate manipulation tricks: 16
- Fall damage reduction/cancelation tricks: 19
- Save/load abuse tricks: 52

Join the Red Faction speedrun community on Discord: https://discord.gg/EpbU5xs

Watch other Red Faction speedruns on Speedrun.com: https://www.speedrun.com/redfaction

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Posted: August 7, 2018, 3:40 Post #2

NukeTown For RF bra!

Visit RFrun.net for Deathrun Related things!
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