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Posted: May 16, 2017, 9:04 Post #35
Quoting Haze202
As someone who has also played at 500fps, your not the only one :P

Rafalh was fixing all of the bugs so you could play at 1000fps, not sure why he stopped but he was making good progress

Nonetheless i was referring to me getting solid 150fps all the time on 1366x768 on high graphics, I can't get this on a i5 3.2ghz, i can only get a mostly solid 120fps on 854x480

How come you only get that much?

Mine doesn't move from the capped 150 at 1600X900 which is only coz the monitor won't go higher, but I'm sure it would still peg at 150 on higher res. Yes my old gaming 28" monitor died like 5 years ago and I haven't bothered getting a new one yet, running a 22" samsung that has a max of the said above, holding off for a new system until volta and faster ryzen models come out before splashing out on a $500-1000 monitor.

Still, rf doesn't doesn't beat my best score of fps lol, UT2k4 just has a stupidly efficient engine for fast high quality rendering. In game on max settings I often get 200-700fps

Speaking of rf physics, you know what we need is the projectile physics from single player in multi. From my research rf is the only game I know of that early to have damaging ricochet projectile paths from regular weapons, also the non infinite velocities in sp is a nice bit of realism.

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Posted: May 16, 2017, 9:36 Post #36
In explosive smoke my fps would drop to 70, lower with multiple explosions, on 1366x768

I play on 854x480 with textures and models on low, fixed lag problems however I still can't record on a high enough quality as I would like

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Posted: May 18, 2017, 10:17 Post #37
Odd? I only get a drop like that on this retro PC but I run a 6800 Ultra (at AGP 4x, board doesn't have 8x) which is ancient these days and as you know the dual 2800 + which is similar to 2x OC'd Pentium 3 S's or 2 Northwood P4's at say at 3-3.4Ghz if there were such things as having them in dual config but there wasn't.

Also I am running 1600x900 so something has to be wrong with your PC? what GPU have you got?

In fact I also get similar performance in UT2004 on this old PC, but it does get a bit shit with 32 bots though lol.

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Posted: May 18, 2017, 15:54 Post #38
GT 620 1gb

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Posted: May 19, 2017, 9:44 Post #39
yeah that really sucks, there's your problem, my 6800 ultra though less texture fill rate by almost half of yours it actually has 2.5 times the memory bandwidth despite being a decade older lol.

Get yourself a at least something like a geforce 1060 or AMD RX480 for an inexpensive price. Bit more and you can get a much more powerful 1070 which is good performance for buck for a few 100 bucks. That will play RF full at any res you want at 150 fps all of the time. You can then run it at 2k and 4K res if you like.

Hell, I'd even give you a junk 9800GT I bought 2nd hand cheap for a folding project back in 2008, thats 3 times as fast as your card :rofl:

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