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Posted: August 31, 2014, 20:49 Post #1
Just decided to bring up some memories by googling old clans and names I knew from back then.

My first clan ever was HKC, Hardcore Killa Clan or something. I remember the clanleader being an Australian, I think he was called BUSTA or something. They had a freewebs page with Dimmu Borgir on the background lol.

After that I made a clan with another guy from the USA called [M7] or Magnificent 7. Sadly when I went on vacation the clan was killed. :x

I also played in the clan LDS (Last Defence Squad) for a while, led by N1ghtmare, later we were called X and our tag was .X|. We had a few clan wars against .eSA| if I remember correctly. I also tried to tryout for [PS] Phat Shootaz but I failed back then.

I remember players like .eSA|Hard, .eSA|Neophyte, [PS] Barney, [PS]BeF' and [PS]FeB'. I think I had BeF on MSN back then, great guy, I think BeF and FeB were brothers from Holland. Really good players too.

I also remember KoJaK from a railing clan, don't remember the exact name. I remember he and his clan were pretty good. I loved playing rail at one point. I also was in a Dutch clan with a guy called HaGeNeeZy, we practised a lot in our own server. Eventually I was also in the relaunch of the clan HC (Hate Crew).

I also played in a Iron Sun Mod clan called CK led by a guy called Jake or OuTKasT, my name was KrazyLord in that clan, something like that. Also played against ||SiK|| and hA. Does anyone remember these clans?

I also remember a clan called EVIL something like that. I talked a lot with a few of the members. French guys I think.

JtB is also a clan I remember, Jones Town Boyz I think they played TDM and I played with a guy called RiNaLDo or something, maybe RoNaLDo. He was a very good player

I think I was a bit later in the game, around 2004/2005 to around 2007 or so maybe longer. Anyone know what happened to these clans or some of these people? It almost makes me to tears how great this time was. Such exciting moments.

I changed my name a lot, so I don't remember all the names I had. Actually I remember none of my names. :-/

BTW: Love that this website is still running. Good old times.

Edited by Hutz at August 31, 2014, 20:58

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Posted: September 1, 2014, 6:21 Post #2
There is a JtB server online sometimes. If you poke the guy who runs it he may be able to point you in the right direction. Can't remember his name offhand

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Posted: September 1, 2014, 11:49 Post #3
Awesome! Thanks for the replies. I will try to contact him. It was just great thinking about it again. It's insane how many names I remember. :v

I remember hA or Hitman Assassins had a website with a hardstyle/hardcore song in it, pretty cool. I also just remember [ES] I think, they also had [ER] which was their railing squad.

I really loved the Iron Sun Mod, was a great community too, the maps were awesome too imo. I remember a guy called SnipedDragon I had him on MSN, also a Dutch guy. I think he was one of the programmers of the mod.

@ nick

Nice that you remember those names, we must of played in the same time. What do you mean with different circle? You played with other clans? If so which? Maybe I remember them.
Edited by Hutz at September 1, 2014, 11:57

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Posted: September 1, 2014, 16:22 Post #4
During those years I played for Steal our Flag and frag4^yourlife primarily. Didn't play much ISM.

Out of the clans you've listed I'd be curious to see what Fluffers from JtB is up to these days. He was pretty chill and fun to DM with.
Edited by nick at September 1, 2014, 16:30

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Posted: September 1, 2014, 17:40 Post #5
Quoting nick
During those years I played for Steal our Flag and frag4^yourlife primarily. Didn't play much ISM.

Out of the clans you've listed I'd be curious to see what Fluffers from JtB is up to these days. He was pretty chill and fun to DM with.

Cool I definitely remember frag4^!

I also think I remember Fluffers.

I didn't play a lot with JtB but one of the guys that played in JtB (RiNaLDO) was also in .X| and we played CTF a few times against eSA together. Two IRL friends who I still talk to a lot were also in .X|, it was so much fun. We weren't as good as eSA but we could still hold up pretty well and even had some good chances.

Eventually a few years later .X| moved to Counter-Strike: Source, I think we did pretty well there too but I never really got into CS:S. My friends quit the game eventually but I still had contact with N1ghtmare for a long time but now that's also gone. He eventually played in a pretty good Source team I think and even went to tournaments.

For me .eSA| was probably the best CTF clan for a long time, some really skilled players in there.

I always thought TDM clans were better though. Overall they were more skilled aim-wise. For example ||SiK|| were really good TDM players imo. ||Z|S|| is also a name I remember from TDM. Eventually ||SiK|| moved to ISM and after that I think they disbanded, not sure.

I also of course remember Lost Souls (<L-S>), I remember they had a lot of members. Great people overall but not the most skilled clan as far as I can remember. And always drama. :P

I also remember a clan called [SoC] and a guy named Pimmetje (Dutch).

So many memories haha, would be cool to come in contact with some of these guys. :lolpup:

It's a shame that THQ/who ever owns Red Faction right now didn't make a new game with the same multiplayer ideas of Red Faction 1, except maybe some extra's. I know 100% sure that a lot of older players would make a return. Would be so epic to just see these names again in a new Red Faction. Sadly the new RF's didn't came close. :)

We can only dream. :)

Respect to you Digi and Goober for keeping this community alive. I see in the other threads that more people are still thinking back on this time (Red Faction). Amazing if you think about it. It has been 10 years and people still feel the same about it: that it was a great time and a great community.

Edited by Hutz at September 1, 2014, 17:51

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Posted: September 1, 2014, 20:52 Post #6
I agree with you that the game was not optimal for a competetive environment. I was young as hell though and I didn't mind it at all haha, looking back it was pretty likely that there were some very obvious hackers playing in the competetive scene. I think we (Xtreme) never used any voice communication what so ever, it was all team chat, pretty hardcore looking back at it haha. Typing out tactics. Haha it's funny what you say about the gaming setup, I remember using a very shitty mouse.

I never played against frag4^ or viv, at least I think so, so I can't tell but I believe you! I think eSA was definitely superior in railing then in all weapons.

I never really enjoyed the maps of DM/TDM but I have played it for a while. I remember when I first started playing more TDM I was shocked on how much better these players were. I learned a lot from it back then, I remember.

I agree to me it was the same, I had a close group of people and clans that I always had contact with. There were a lot of good Dutch/Belgian players imo (I'm Dutch too) and I was pretty close to them.
I definitely didn't like the whole community and I remember there was always somekind of drama going on with clans disbanding or people leaving haha.

I think ISM was probably the closest as a community, but it was small as hell and the competition consisted out of like 3 "big" clans.

@ Haze

No I am not playing the game. I have installed it a year ago to check it out but I don't like the running servers, and they were the only ones busy. But I am always up for somekind of reunion! I will check this website from time to time. B)
Edited by Hutz at September 1, 2014, 20:57

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Posted: September 1, 2014, 22:05 Post #7
I used to play with a generic logitech mouse and 4 random mousepads glued together. I didn't get a real pad until frag4^. Good times.

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Posted: September 2, 2014, 20:25 Post #8
Nice, thanks for the link. I was thinking of setting up a clan and hopefully try to organize some scrims. But there's just not enough players. I will come online this weekend if anyone is up for it. My IGN will be Hutz. :lolpup:

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Posted: September 2, 2014, 20:39 Post #9
Do you have Skype? There are a few people who play mixed CTF games a few times a week. They're on pretty randomly but they're accessible via a Skype group

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Posted: September 3, 2014, 17:50 Post #10
Quoting Hutz

I think I was a bit later in the game, around 2004/2005 to around 2007 or so maybe longer. Anyone know what happened to these clans or some of these people? It almost makes me to tears how great this time was. Such exciting moments.

I changed my name a lot, so I don't remember all the names I had. Actually I remember none of my names. :-/

BTW: Love that this website is still running. Good old times.

That's exactly the period when i joined for the first time in game, so obviously i wouldn't know nothing about those clans mentioned above except for Iron Sun Mod (only the mod itself existing, but not the clan as well) :3 And don't worry about changing names cuz there are still alot of smurfers around.
Edited by SeeLkaDooM94 at September 3, 2014, 17:52

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Posted: September 4, 2014, 10:21 Post #11
Quoting SeeLkaDooM94
Quoting Hutz

I think I was a bit later in the game, around 2004/2005 to around 2007 or so maybe longer. Anyone know what happened to these clans or some of these people? It almost makes me to tears how great this time was. Such exciting moments.

I changed my name a lot, so I don't remember all the names I had. Actually I remember none of my names. :-/

BTW: Love that this website is still running. Good old times.

That's exactly the period when i joined for the first time in game, so obviously i wouldn't know nothing about those clans mentioned above except for Iron Sun Mod (only the mod itself existing, but not the clan as well) :3 And don't worry about changing names cuz there are still alot of smurfers around.

Your name is definitely familiar to me haha, I probably saw you sometimes in the servers.

@ Digi

I don't have Skype anymore but I can make one and share it! That sounds cool.

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Posted: September 8, 2014, 20:24 Post #12
Can't seem to install Skype properly. Soon I will buy a new laptop and I will probably be able to play RF too. I will keep in touch on this forum!

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Posted: September 13, 2014, 20:09 Post #13
I am not a competitive gamer...I play for fun only...no matter what game....

This is why I have used baton only for many many years haheahehaehaehahe

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