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Posted: May 3, 2013, 16:15 Post #1
Hey forums... I hope someone sees this. I currently have ambitions to mod Red Faction. My vision essentially hinges on being able to control a squad. Increasing squad size is obviously very simple, but I understand someone had made a mod where the squad is dependent on the player called Guerrilla Commander. This file is not on rapidshare anymore. I was wondering if there was some way someone could provide it to me as it would be a big jump in progress as far as how I want to design my mod. I understand almost no one plays RFG and its mods has more or less failed to achieve sustainability, but I have a vision, and I feel RFG will get me as close as to that vision as possible. I how someone checks this and replies. This game was too good not have really nice mods. I don't know of I'll be able to achieve that as my experience is essentially nonexistent. If only Chris crinkle had finished his series of tutorials and explained some of the more complicated stuff... But I digress... Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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Posted: May 4, 2013, 14:48 Post #2
The issue is that the developer and publisher (who eventually went bankrupt) entirely dropped support for the game as soon as Armageddon was announced. Unlike the first Red Faction game, Guerrilla never had the kind of community interest and modification possibilities necessary to survive without any developer support. It never even had a level editor. If you want to mod Red Faction, and play a Red Faction game that still has at least some sort of following, play the first game. You can pick it up on Steam for like $5 or something.

The mod you're speaking of though for Guerrilla, I've never seen or heard of. Sorry. :-/

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Posted: May 4, 2013, 16:54 Post #3
For reference, in chris crinkles' modding wiki in "mod ideas" it mentions it under competed requests. I'm aware the developer screwed the pooch (though it may not have been entirely their fault), but i don't think my ideas are all that ambitious.

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Posted: February 12, 2014, 0:51 Post #4
I recently made 3 mods named "crew, EDF crew and Marauders crew. Each team is dependent of you, I know that this post is old, I hope this helps.
Edited by n.m.e at February 13, 2014, 14:59

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Posted: December 9, 2014, 0:36 Post #5
I don't think your crew mods work:lolpup:

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