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Posted: May 24, 2015, 18:05 Post #1
Hi all,

A new Pure Faction is planned to be released soon to address a number of issues. The full update will also include a pack of several new DM and CTF maps, but while we get those packed up we're putting out this test version ahead of time.

What's new?
* Important security fixes
* Auto-downloader bug fix
* Mouse input normalization (thanks to S.)
* Performance improvements (thanks to S.)
This is a cumulative update that also incorporates all fixes from the 3.0c beta. A historical list of those fixes is available on the PF site. Some other minor features and fixes may be added as we wait for the map pack to be prepared.

This update will be optional, but is strongly recommended for anyone on 3.0 or 3.0c.

Download here. To install, replace the "pf.dll" in your Red Faction folder with this one. To revert back to 3.0 or 3.0c, use the installers on the Pure Faction website.

When the full update is ready, we'll post it on the main PF site and PFLauncher will ask you if you'd like to update.

If you have any questions or comments, you are encouraged to either PM me or post on the forums.

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Posted: May 25, 2015, 8:56 Post #2
This happens if the server isn't also running the update. It'll be fixed

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Posted: May 25, 2015, 20:50 Post #3
Why is whenever I play the story mode, my name and character from multi goes back to Default?

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Posted: May 25, 2015, 21:26 Post #4
I'm not exactly sure why that happens, but I assume it's got something to do with the fact that when you load SP, your character changes to miner1.

It's not a new bug though, it has been happening to me for as long as I can remember.

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Posted: May 26, 2015, 1:06 Post #5
The name shouldn't change unless you're loading a saved game (the save stores the name)

The skin changing back to Parker is a known issue since 1.2

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Posted: May 26, 2015, 15:30 Post #6
It is when I load a saved game. The name change. I guess there's no fix? It's not a huge problem anyway.

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Posted: May 28, 2015, 17:49 Post #7
Dunno if digi's gonna release his hitsounds, so here's my patch. Hitsounds are only on dedicated server, client server maybe but not for the client hosting it seems.


in fact the hitsounds should be in single player too, but it breaks on pf for some reason... oh well
Edited by N/A at May 28, 2015, 17:50

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Posted: May 30, 2015, 7:49 Post #8
Quoting 2kool4skool
Dunno if digi's gonna release his hitsounds, so here's my patch. Hitsounds are only on dedicated server, client server maybe but not for the client hosting it seems.


in fact the hitsounds should be in single player too, but it breaks on pf for some reason... oh well

actually seems to be a vmware bug, hitsounds work in singleplayer with this...

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Posted: May 30, 2015, 19:01 Post #9
Quoting clockwise
so i was just playing with qc and we found a bug. on both checkmate and warlords, hmg and smg don't register any damage if one person is higher than the other. for example, if qc was on a bridge and i was on the ground, we could unload clips into one another but there wouldn't be any damage. if we're more or less even with one another, then hmg/smg damage like normal.


This will restore normal aiming, but with fixes and hit sounds etc.

Maybe digi will put out a proper release with mouse normalization (much better aiming) on match mode or something...

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Posted: May 30, 2015, 21:16 Post #10
Thanks to all who tested and reported problems. 3.0d is going live shortly, unfortunately without the mouse normalization which will be included in some form when we do the big update with the map pack and other features.

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