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Posted: October 30, 2011, 16:00 Post #1
Hello all- I used to play RF extensively back in 04-05. I was in WP. I played a predominantly with the precision rifle, and worked on perfecting a fast fire rate/ high accuracy kinda thing. I used to get accused of modding ALL the time.
Anyways, i came back to the game because of fond memories, just to play a few rounds in between classwork and such. Well, just got banned from witches brew for firing to fast. Server requested "Sniper, stop that fast firing shit". I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or the other guy with the precision rifle, but either way i figured hey, it's just my play style. I was banned seconds after.
I'm not really upset, i don't need to play RF. But i feel like things like this is what ruins the game for a lot of people. When there's already such a small community keeping RF alive, i think it's pretty terrible to alienate an old time player who wanted to start supporting the community again. Oh well. My 2 cents.

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Posted: October 30, 2011, 16:14 Post #2
I should add i'm not even good at the game anymore. I have the speed, not the accuracy anymore.

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Posted: October 30, 2011, 16:30 Post #3
I believe that the problem with rules like that, is that they are usually not enforced, for example, they'll probably let their friend click fast, but not you.

The precision rifle is EXTREMELY over powered, just clicking at a normal speed will out DPS the assault rifle. I see the need for a click limiter, which is why it has been put into the new Pure Faction. There is not really any skill in clicking fast.

In my opinion, if they said "Sniper, stop that fast firing shit", you should of known it was you they were talking about. Nonetheless, people exploit red faction all the time, and banning someone who generally causes no trouble, seems wrong of them.

Nick is hoping to put up a pub within the near future. You're welcome to click fast, etc. I'd honestly advise getting out of that habit, because when the new Pure Faction comes, you're going to find it hard to adjust.

We won't kick for fast firing though.

I kind of see their point, but these people administrate servers so badly, that they should just avoid rules like that.
Edited by N/A at October 30, 2011, 16:31

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Posted: October 30, 2011, 16:39 Post #4
Anyway it's not a real problem if you got a dynamic ip because I don't think they firewalled you.

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Posted: October 30, 2011, 17:02 Post #5
Hey guys, thanks for the quick response. I would understand if it was a mod, or something not everyone could do, but anyone can do it and i actually enjoy playing against others who play like that. It took hours and hours of practice way back when to perfect it, and i was pretty proud of it. I'm not mad about being banned, i just think it is silly to ban people who are trying to support the game when there are so few players around still. I won't be playing after this weekend due to school, but i wish you guys the best with the new pure faction.

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Posted: October 30, 2011, 17:06 Post #6
The gun is irrefutably overpowered. Everyone can glitch too, but it doesn't justify it.

Shooting fast is honestly a broken mechanic, it shouldn't be in the game, but banning for it is absurd when everyone else plays/behaves in the way they do.
Edited by N/A at October 30, 2011, 17:12

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