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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction: Guerrilla - Mods - Remaster (SyncFaction) :: Sector Color Changer by scruffygamer
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Author: scruffygamer [Search Author]
Uploader: scruffygamer [View Profile]
File Size: 866.9KB
File Type: zip
Added: 12/09/2023
Downloads: 27
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It allows you to switch the colors of sectors from one's color to another from the options.

For example, there is a drop-down list for each sector, allowing you to change its lightning, like to make Parker look like EOS or Badlands look like Oasis. This is for your preference. You can also make your maps look like maps from multiplayer.

Please let me know and give feedback! Thanks!

Ported from NexusMods to make installation easier in SyncFaction.

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