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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Map Packs :: RF Game Night 88 Map Pack by Various
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Author: Various [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
File Size: 57.8MB
File Type: zip
Added: 08/06/2022
Downloads: 24
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Map pack for the eighty-eighth Red Faction Game Night (DM)

For more information and to participate in Red Faction Game Night events, please join the Red Faction community on Discord: [FactionFiles Discord]

Game Night 88 featured 13 community-created DM maps, all of which are included in this pack:
DECK animalien by @AnGe@
Bunker 9M2 by Trigger Happy & @AnGe@
Tree Go by Matthew Arsenault
Anubis by @AnGe@
Continuum Arena by @AnGe@
Douze (Beta 6) by Chris "Goober" Parsons
Gabriel Leviathan by @AnGe@
Ice Cavern by @AnGe@
Nc 3 by @AnGe@
OmeGa (OméGa) by @AnGe@ & WaSa
RFU5 - The Dark Zone by Chris "Goober" Parsons
Rouge Lave by @AnGe@
Watery Grave 2 by Leninator & @AnGe@

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