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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Software - Tools :: VMesh 0.3.5 by rafalh
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Author: rafalh [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
File Size: 950.2KB
File Type: zip
Added: 05/07/2022
Downloads: 67
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NOTE: This is the updated and latest version of this tool (as of May 2022).

VMesh is a CLI tool that converts 3D meshes in GLTF format to V3M (static mesh) and V3C (character mesh) formats. V3M and V3C formats are used by Red Faction game on PC platform.

vmesh input.gltf output.v3m

Limitations, documentation, and future versions (if available) can be found on the developer's github page for this software: [Link]

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