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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction II - Software - Patches :: Red Faction II (PS2) PCSX2 Widescreen Patches by ElHecht
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Author: ElHecht [Search Author]
Uploader: HeyItsDuke [View Profile]
File Size: 1.3KB
File Type: zip
Added: 08/29/2020
Downloads: 106
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Widescreen patches for the PS2 version of Red Faction II (NTSC-U & PAL) for use in PCSX2. Please read the README file for usage instructions.
BoubouV12 · Mon 18 Sep 2023, 16:25 (edited Mon 18 Sep 2023, 16:25) ·
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It would be nice if it could be combined with the 60 FPS plus more for the European PAL version. Otherwise thank you.
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