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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction II - Software - Tools :: Red Faction 2 Widescreen Fixer 0.7.0 by SuicideMachine
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Author: SuicideMachine [Search Author]
Uploader: V0idH0und [View Profile]
File Size: 20.7KB
File Type: zip
Added: 12/16/2019
Downloads: 2440
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Widescreen fixer for Red Faction II developed by SuicideMachine.

NOTE: for the GOG.com version you must run this tool as an administrator (right click, Run as administrator).

The original RAR archive has been repackaged as Zip (file version is the same).

Launch it before you launch the game and choose the resolution and fov you want. You can also overwrite instructions to stop the fov from resetting after cutscenes, but it can cause stability issues. Once you have configured it, launch Red Faction II and press the set key when in game to set the fov and resolution. (Must be in a level, not main menu. Works in botmatch.) You'll have to do this every time you launch the game but it doesn't take long to set up.

If you have stability issues while overwrite instructions is enabled, disable it and restart Red Faction II. You'll have to press the set key to fix the fov after cutscenes if you choose not to use it.

What's New in Version 0.7.0 (Released March 4, 2016)
Option to overwrite instructions.

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