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Posted: June 18, 2016, 21:32 Post #35
There seems to be a constant after every event.
Significance unknown.

EB D7 00 FF

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Posted: June 18, 2016, 23:59 Post #36
The code above seems to be an RGB color, which matches the event object symbol in the map editor.
Seems obscure.

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 1:22 Post #37
Events can be recolored in the editor, the TGA file for the little E is just grayscale

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 7:59 Post #38
Quoting Mitzi
Events can be recolored in the editor, the TGA file for the little E is just grayscale

btw did u ever fix the tga double free exploit

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 15:07 Post #39
Quoting 2kool4skool
Quoting Mitzi
Events can be recolored in the editor, the TGA file for the little E is just grayscale

btw did u ever fix the tga double free exploit

I has no idea what you are talking about.

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 15:13 Post #40
because hes talking to digi

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 17:44 Post #41
Alright, so in version 0xB4 (the version the single player maps are in), brushes have an additional word at the end.

So far I'm parsing brushes and events correctly until L6S1.rfl

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 17:48 Post #42
Oh, it was just something tripping my sanity checker.

Event "Two guys talking event goes here"
What is the going on? > 30


Now it goes up to L7S4

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 18:07 Post #43
So, if a brush has EmitStream as its flags, then after the flags, there is an unexplained 192 bytes. (48 words)

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 18:31 Post #44
When it is just Air, there appears to be an additional 24 bytes (6 words).

When it is Air and Portal, it is 36 bytes (9 words).

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 18:34 Post #45
Okay, it seems I can now parse all of the story files when it comes to events and brushes.

Now to try other thingy things. arm2

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 18:49 Post #46
Alright, after a few more bits with the preinstalled CTF and DM maps,

Portal by itself takes 12, and Detail takes 48 bytes.

However I can't decode any of the PF maps }:(

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 19:05 Post #47
Okay.. so this mystery extra data for the flags seems to be a version 0xB4 thing.

However pdm01.rfl seems to have some static geometry stuff that isn't compatible right now. Looking into it.
Edited by Cordite at June 19, 2016, 19:15

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 21:32 Post #48
Really weird..

So, if I open and save pdm01.rfl, I can parse it, but the room effects look all whack.

Somehow, room effects are able to load without significant issue everywhere, yet they seem unstable here.

Here we have effect UIDs: 131,155,235,370,371,609,610,611,612,657

However, what I end up loading is:.. 155,609,610,611,612,657. (not necessarily in order) And the rest are garbage.

So, 131,235,370,371 seem to be liquid rooms, and they are stored near content mentioning push regions, so it is probably some region / group related thing.

That doesn't however explain what all this other garbage is. :-/

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 22:15 Post #49
Quoting Cordite
Really weird..

So, if I open and save pdm01.rfl, I can parse it, but the room effects look all whack.

Somehow, room effects are able to load without significant issue everywhere, yet they seem unstable here.

Here we have effect UIDs: 131,155,235,370,371,609,610,611,612,657

However, what I end up loading is:.. 155,609,610,611,612,657. (not necessarily in order) And the rest are garbage.

So, 131,235,370,371 seem to be liquid rooms, and they are stored near content mentioning push regions, so it is probably some region / group related thing.

That doesn't however explain what all this other garbage is. :-/

are you reverse engineering with ida, or just looking at raw map data?

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 22:27 Post #50
I don't have a license for ida.

I'm looking at raw map data in a hex editor.

It appears that each room MUST have a room effect, so it makes some sort of.. default one with an absurdly high ID.
But I'm not sure why pdm01.rfl freaks it out. Maybe it's just noise.

When I create my own basic thing with a couple brushes, and only a subset have FX things in them, the other ones seem to get IDs with
Though pdm01 seems to have 0x7FFFFFFC

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Posted: June 19, 2016, 22:30 Post #51
Quoting Cordite
I don't have a license for ida.

Posted Image

dude you're insane, me and digi know the functions that decode the map, even that poor fool rafalh did

just torrent it and save time a la :124:

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Edited by N/A at June 19, 2016, 22:38

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