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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Single Player :: ice's Tower Defense - Beta V4 by ice
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Author: ice [Search Author]
Uploader: ice [View Profile]
File Size: 32.9MB
File Type: rar
Added: 02/25/2021
Downloads: 57
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Been talking about releasing this for a while. There are more progressed versions, but they are too buggy to release.
It is very possible to beat this version. For the Record, this was created when PureFaction, and as far as game limits go, 1.2 was the standard. So it was built and optimized inside of a 1024 entity limit. Anything that is not geometry essentially counts as a entity. Towers, Events, Creeps, everything. In todays world, with DashFactions insane fixes that blow out the entity limit to 65K, you could go and create a much nicer, less buggy, more polished version of a tower defense. However, balancing a Tower Defense is still a nightmare. Good Luck lol Originally there were 25 waves planned, while the infrastructure exists to support these waves in this version of the map, I never hooked them up to anything because the theory was that if I can balance the towers and the creeps up-to wave 15, then it would be much easier to build through to 25. I made excel spreadsheets and graphs to try to plot, damage, health, gold awarded, ect. This stuffs hard... This Tower Defense was inspired by the little TowerDefence Cyrus made back in the day and Warcraft III TowerDefences <3

Hot-Tip: the tool tips on the towers are super not accurate.
Your Armor meter is your Cash Stack, it is set to Base 1000, ie you cannot spend below 1000, if creeps make it past, they will take away your money, be careful.
Rockets = Splash (because of some silly AI buggyness, they have a minimum range, try to buy the towers on the far side of the map first.)
Grenades = Fat Splash
Snipers = LongRange, high damage
ColdTowers = they last for 60 seconds.
Fire Toweres & Homing Rockets Upgrade are some HOT Stuff,

Play 15 waves, finishing With Capek
Every 5 waves is a Boss Wave
Every 7 Waves are an Air Wave

Unzip this into your mods folder,
Select the mod in your dash launcher,
Launch the game, and click single player,
press Skip the tutorial.


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