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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Software - Tools :: ProjectMars v0.1 beta 2 by Matt Hrushka
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Author: Matt Hrushka [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
File Size: 1MB
File Type: exe
Added: 10/05/2019
Downloads: 118
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ProjectMars was to be a GUI-based tool for editing Red Faction weapons via weapons.tbl. This is a very, very early beta version of the application, but I don't expect a newer version was ever released. This file is being uploaded here primarily for archival and preservation purposes.

Original description:
ProjectMars - The RedFaction Weapons Editor
By: Matt Hrushka
Novmber 5th - 2001
Current Version: 0.1 beta 2

ok, so this is the very basic beta version. In my eyes only 1/3rd of the complete program.

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